



1  見当識障害はない。
2  物忘れの自覚はない。
3  物忘れが進行しない。
4  日常生活に明らかな支障はない。
5  体験の一部分だけを思い出せない。


猫 Cat

答え 2

1 × 見当識障害は認知症の中核症状で、特徴的な症状の1つです。
2 〇 認知症の物忘れは「体験の全部」を忘れることが特徴的で、自覚はありません。なお認知症の初期では自覚があるといわれています。
3 × 認知症の物忘れは中核症状であり、脳の神経細胞の脱落により進行していきます。 
4 × 認知症になると、実行機能障害や失行・失認、計画を立てて段取りをする機能の低下などにより、料理ができなくなったり、着衣の方法がわからなくなったりするなど、日常生活に支障がでてくることがあります。
5 × 体験の一部だけを思い出せないのは、加齢による健常の場合の物忘れといわれています。


From the 31st National Examination Question for Care Workers

Problem 80
Select one of the most appropriate characteristics of forgetfulness due to dementia when compared to forgetfulness due to aging.

1 There is no disorientation.
2 There is no awareness of forgetfulness.
3 Forgetfulness does not progress.
4 There is no obvious obstacle to daily life.
5 I can’t remember only a part of the experience.

The correct answer is ↓

猫 Cat

Answer 2
This is a question about the characteristics of forgetfulness due to dementia.

1 × Disorientation is a core symptom of dementia and is one of the characteristic symptoms.
2 〇 Forgetfulness of dementia is characterized by forgetting “the whole experience” and is not aware of it. It is said that people are aware of it in the early stages of dementia.
3 × Dementia forgetfulness is a core symptom and progresses due to the loss of nerve cells in the brain. It was
4 × If you have dementia, you will not be able to cook or you will not know how to dress due to executive function disorder, apraxia / agnosia, and deterioration of the ability to make plans and make arrangements. May appear.
5 × It is said that the reason why you cannot remember only a part of the experience is that you forget about it when you are healthy due to aging.

