

 Eさん(75 歳,男性)は、 2 年前に肺がん(lung cancer)と診断されて、抗がん剤治療を受けていたが、効果がなく 1 か月前に治療を中止した。その後、日常生活に支援が必要となり、訪問介護(ホームヘルプサービス)を利用することになった。訪問介護員(ホームヘルパー)は初回訪問を終えて帰ろうとした時に、いきなりEさんから、「もう来なくてもいい」と厳しい口調で言われた。また、「どうして私だけが、がん(cancer)にならなければならないのか」という言葉も聞かれた。
 Eさんの心理状態について、キューブラー・ロス(Kübler-Ross, E.)が提唱した心理過程の段階として、最も適切なもの1 つ選びなさい。

1 否認
2 怒り
3 取り引き
4 抑うつ
5 受容


猫 Cat

答え 2

1 × 否認は、キューブラー・ロスが提唱した心理過程の第1段階で、余命が短いと知りながら、その事実を拒絶し否定する段階です。「そんなはずがない」「何かの間違いだろう」という状態と言えます。 
2 〇 怒りは第2段階で、否定しても否定しきれない状態を自覚する段階と言えます。
3 × 取り引きは第3段階で、「神様どうか助けてください」「病気さえ治れば何でもします」というような、何とか取り引きを行い、奇跡を願う状態と言えます。
4 × 抑うつは第4段階で、取引をして願っても思いが通じないとわかった時に陥る絶望や抑うつ状態にある段階と言えます。
5 × 受容は最終段階の第5段階で、苦しい精神状態から脱し、死は自然なことであるというように死を前向きにとらえられる状態といえます。 


From the 31st National Examination Question for Care Workers

Problem 108
Mr. E, a 75-year-old man, was diagnosed with lung cancer two years ago and was receiving anti-cancer drug treatment, but it was ineffective and he stopped treatment a month ago. After that, he needed support in his daily life and decided to use home-visit care (home help service). When the home helper was about to return after his first visit, Mr. E suddenly said, “I don’t have to come anymore.” He was also asked, “Why should I only get cancer?”
For Mr. E’s psychological state, select one of the most appropriate stages of the psychological process proposed by Kübler-Ross (E.).

1 Denial
2 Anger
3 Transaction
4 Depression
5 Acceptance

The correct answer is ↓

猫 Cat

Answer 2
This is a question about the psychological process proposed by Kübler Ross.

1 × Denial is the first stage of the psychological process advocated by Kübler Ross, and is the stage of rejecting and denying that fact, knowing that life expectancy is short. It can be said that “it cannot be that way” or “it must be something wrong”. It was
2 〇 Anger is the second stage, and it can be said that it is the stage where you realize that you cannot deny it even if you deny it.
3 × The transaction is in the third stage, and it can be said that we are in a state of wishing for a miracle by making a transaction such as “Please help God” and “I will do anything if the illness is cured”.
4 × Depression is the 4th stage, and it can be said that you are in a state of despair or depression that you fall into when you find that you do not understand even if you make a transaction and wish.
5 × Acceptance is the fifth stage of the final stage, and it can be said that death is a positive state of being able to get out of a painful mental state and death is a natural thing.

