



1  利き手の交換
2  階段昇降訓練
3  義足の作成
4  プッシュアップ訓練
5  心理カウンセリング


猫 Cat

答え 5

1 × 聞き手は右手であり、麻痺側は左であるので、利き手の交換は必要ありません。
2 × 歩行が困難なことから、筋力やバランスが不安定と思われるため、階段昇降訓練は難しいと思われます。
3 × 麻痺はしていても切断しているわけではないため、義足の必要はありません。 
4 × プッシュアップは、腰髄損傷で対麻痺の場合に水平移動で行う訓練です。Cさんは片麻痺のため、プッシュアップはの訓練をこの場合積極的には行いません。
5 〇 Cさんは精神的に落ち込んでいると思われるため、心理カウンセリングを通して十分に気持ちを話すことで、落ち込んでいる状態から目標をもって過ごせるように多職種が連携して関わることは適切な対応と思われます。 


From the 31st National Examination Question for Care Workers

Problem 96
Right-handed Mr. C (73 years old, male) has developed a cerebral infarction and is hospitalized in the convalescent rehabilitation ward. He has left hemiplegia, which makes walking difficult. He tended to stay in the hospital room without interacting with other patients, so a conference was held by a multidisciplinary team.
Please select the most appropriate response to Mr. C at the moment.

1 Exchange of dominant hand
2 Stair climbing training
3 Creation of artificial leg
4 Push-up training
5 Psychological counseling

The correct answer is ↓

猫 Cat

Answer 5
This is a question regarding how to deal with patients who are hospitalized in the convalescent rehabilitation ward.

1 × The listener is the right hand and the paralyzed side is the left, so there is no need to replace the dominant hand.
2 × Since it is difficult to walk, it seems that muscle strength and balance are unstable, so it is difficult to train up and down stairs.
3 × There is no need for an artificial leg because it is not amputated even if it is paralyzed. It was
4 × Push-up is a training performed by horizontal movement in the case of paraplegia due to lumbar spinal cord injury. Since Mr. C is hemiplegic, push-ups are not actively trained in this case.
5 〇 Mr. C seems to be mentally depressed, so it is appropriate to have multiple occupations work together so that he can spend his time with goals from a depressed state by fully speaking his feelings through psychological counseling. It seems.

