1 歩行を控える。
2 正座で座る。
3 膝を冷やす。
4 体重を減らす。
5 杖は使わない。

答え 4
1 × 歩行を控えることにより膝への荷重の機会は減り痛みが回避されますが、その分、筋力低下をきたします。筋肉を鍛えることで関節が安定した状態になり、痛みが軽減するので、主治医の指導の下に適度な歩行をすることは必要といえます。
2 × 正座は膝関節の痛みが強くなるため、避けたほうがよいといわれています。
3 × 慢性的な痛みを軽くするには膝を温めるとよいといわれています。ただし、幹部に腫れや熱感があるようなときには膝を冷やすことにより炎症が収まる場合もあるので、判断に迷うような場合は必ず医師に相談し、主治医の指導の下で実施するようにします。
4 〇 肥満は、膝痛の発生や進行の原因にもなるので、まずは5%ぐらい減量して、徐々に体重を減らしていく事が必要です。身長153㎝のBさんの適正体重は、51.5kg程度であるので、体重を減らし関節への負担を少なくすることが必要です。なお、適正体重の求め方は、身長m×身長m×22といわれています。
5 × 杖を使用することで関節への負担が少なくなるため、主治医と相談の上、使用するとよいです。
From the 31st National Examination Question for Care Workers
Problem 76
Ms. B (68 years old, female) has been suffering from pain in her knees as she climbs up and down the stairs at her home for three months. When she visited an orthopedic surgeon, she was diagnosed with knee osteoarthritis. Her height is 153 cm and her weight is 75 kg.
Choose one of the most appropriate things to keep in mind in her daily life for her B.
1 Refrain from walking.
2 Sit in a sitting position.
3 Cool your knees.
4 Lose weight.
5 Do not use a cane.
The correct answer is ↓

Answer 4
This is a question about points to keep in mind in daily life of users with knee osteoarthritis.
Osteoarthritis of the knee is said to be a disease that causes joint pain and deformation due to wear of articular cartilage and deterioration of cushioning function due to meniscus damage in the joint due to aging and obesity.
1 × By refraining from walking, the chances of loading the knee are reduced and pain is avoided, but muscle weakness is caused by that amount. It is necessary to walk moderately under the guidance of your doctor, as strengthening your muscles will stabilize your joints and reduce pain.
2 × It is said that sitting upright should be avoided because it causes more pain in the knee joint.
3 × It is said that warming the knees is a good way to relieve chronic pain. However, if you have swelling or a feeling of heat in your cadre, cooling your knees may reduce the inflammation, so if you are uncertain about your decision, be sure to consult your doctor and follow the instructions of your doctor. .. It was
4 〇 Obesity also causes the onset and progression of knee pain, so it is necessary to first lose about 5% and then gradually lose weight. The proper weight of Mr. B, who is 153 cm tall, is about 51.5 kg, so it is necessary to lose weight and reduce the burden on the joints. It is said that the proper weight is calculated as height m x height m x 22.
5 × Using a cane reduces the burden on the joints, so it is recommended to consult with your doctor before using.