1 調理材料は、ガスコンロの周辺に置く。
2 調理をするときは、袖口を絞った衣類を着てもらう。
3 調理に時間がかかるときは、鍋化から離れてもらう。
4 火災警報器は、床に近い部分に設置する。
5 強い火力で調理してもらう。

答え 2
1 × 調理材料をが明日コンロの周辺に置くと燃え移って火災が発生するおそれがあります。また、共同生活援助(グループホーム)の利用者の中には、判断能力が不十分な知的障害や精神障害のある人もいる可能性があるため、ガスコンロ周辺には物を置かないなど、細心の注意が必要となります。なお、共同生活援助とは、障害者総合支援法に基づくサービスの一つで、障害のある人が主に夜間、共同生活を営む住居で相談や日常生活上の援助を受けるものです。
2 〇 調理をする際は袖口を絞った衣類を着るなど、ガスコンロの火が衣服に燃え移って火災が発生する着衣着火を防ぐことが必要となります。
3 × 揚げ物料理をする際、油や食材を加熱しすぎて発火するおそれがあります。ですから、鍋から離れず、鍋の様子を確認しながら調理する必要があります。
4 × 火災発生時に速やかに火災を検知するため、火災警報器は天井の決められた位置、あるいは天井から0.15~0.5m以内の壁面に取り付ける必要があります。
5 × 揚げ物を強い火力で調理すると、油や食材が加熱されすぎて発火し、火災が発生する場合があります。この時、高温の油の中に水を入れてしまうと、急激に炎上し、熱せられた油が飛び散るなど、被害が拡大するおそれがあります。
Problem 36
Mr. A (38 years old) is moving into a communal living support (group home). She is good at cooking, and she usually wears an apron and cooks fried food on a gas stove.
Choose one of the following statements about fire protection-conscious cooking support that is most appropriate.
1 Place cooking ingredients around the gas stove.
2 When cooking, have them wear clothes with squeezed cuffs.
3 If it takes a long time to cook, ask them to move away from the pot.
4 Install the fire alarm near the floor.
5 Have them cook with strong heat.
The correct answer is ↓

Answer 2
This is a question about cooking support that is conscious of fire prevention.
1 × If the cooking ingredients are placed around the stove tomorrow, they may burn and cause a fire. In addition, some users of communal living support (group homes) may have intellectual or mental disabilities with insufficient judgment, so do not put anything around the gas stove. Great care is required. In addition, communal living support is one of the services based on the Comprehensive Support Law for Persons with Disabilities, and people with disabilities receive consultations and assistance in daily life mainly at night in the housing where they live together.
2 〇 When cooking, it is necessary to wear clothes with squeezed cuffs to prevent the fire of the gas stove from burning to the clothes and causing a fire. It was
3 × When cooking fried food, there is a risk of ignition due to overheating of oil and ingredients. Therefore, it is necessary to keep an eye on the pot and cook while checking the state of the pot.
4 × In order to detect a fire promptly when a fire breaks out, the fire alarm must be installed at a fixed position on the ceiling or on a wall within 0.15 to 0.5 m from the ceiling.
5 × If fried food is cooked with strong heat, the oil and ingredients may be overheated and ignite, causing a fire. At this time, if water is put into the hot oil, it may burn rapidly and the heated oil may scatter, causing further damage.