1 妄想
2 躁うつ
3 強迫観念
4 振戦せん妄
5 見捨てられ不安

答え 1
1 〇 妄想は、統合失調症の陽性症状の1つといわれています。
2 × 躁うつ症状がみられるのは、躁うつ病(双極性気分障害)といわれています。
3 × 強迫観念の症状がみられるのは、強迫性障害といわれています。
4 × 振戦せん妄の症状がみられるのは、アルコール依存症といわれています。
5 × 見捨てられ不安の症状がみられるのは、境界型パーソナリティ障害といわれています。
From the 31st National Examination Question for Care Workers
Problem 90
Select one of the most appropriate characteristic symptoms of schizophrenia.
1 Delusion
2 Manic depression
3 Obsession
4 Delirium tremens
5 Abandoned and anxious
The correct answer is ↓

Answer 1
This is a question about the characteristic symptoms of schizophrenia.
1 〇 Delusion is said to be one of the positive symptoms of schizophrenia.
2 × Manic-depressive symptoms are said to be manic-depressive (bipolar mood disorder).
3 × It is said that obsessive-compulsive disorder has symptoms of obsessive-compulsive thought.
4 × It is said that alcoholism is the symptom of delirium tremens.
5 × It is said that borderline personality disorder is abandoned and shows symptoms of anxiety.