1 利用者の自立を支援する。
2 画一的に介護を実践する。
3 介護福祉職の尊厳を保持する。
4 家族介護者の自己実現を図る。
5 経験則に基づいて介護を実践する。

答え 1
1 〇 介護過程の目的には、利用者の望む生活の実現や自己実現、利用者の尊厳の保持、根拠が明確な支援等に加え、利用者の自立や自己決定を支援することも含まれます。
2 × 介護過程では、画一的ではなく、一人ひとりの利用者の状況に応じた個別支援をおこなうようにします。
3 × 「利用者主体」や「利用者本位」の視点に基づき、利用者の尊厳を保持することも介護過程の目的の1つであります。介護福祉職の尊厳を保持することではありません。
4 × 家族介護者の思いも大切にはするものの、あくまでも利用者の望む生活や利用者の事後実現を図ることが介護過程の目的となります。
5 × 介護過程は、経験則や場当たり的な思いつきの介護ではなく、個々の利用者に応じた、計画的で根拠に基づいた介護を展開するためのプロセスとなります。
From the 31st National Examination Question for Care Workers
Problem 61
Choose one of the following statements about the purpose of the care process that is most appropriate.
1 Support the independence of users.
2 Practice long-term care uniformly.
3 Maintain the dignity of long-term care and welfare workers.
4 Aim for self-actualization of family caregivers.
5 Practice long-term care based on empirical rules.
The correct answer is ↓

Answer 1
This is a question about the purpose of the long-term care process.
1 〇 The purpose of the long-term care process includes supporting the independence and self-determination of the user, in addition to the realization and self-actualization of the life desired by the user, the maintenance of the dignity of the user, and the support with clear grounds. increase.
2 × In the long-term care process, we will provide individual support according to the situation of each user, not uniform.
3 × It is one of the purposes of the long-term care process to maintain the dignity of the user from the viewpoint of “user-centered” and “user-oriented”. It is not about maintaining the dignity of the long-term care welfare profession.
4 × Although the thoughts of family caregivers are important, the purpose of the care process is to realize the life desired by the user and the ex post facto of the user.
5 × The long-term care process is not an empirical rule of thumb or ad hoc long-term care, but a process for developing planned and ground-based long-term care according to individual users.