



1  主治医が導入するかしないかを決定する。
2  家族が導入するかしないかを決定する。
3  本人の意向や価値観の把握に努め、本人にとっての最善を関係者で判断する。
4  成年後見人がいる場合、成年後見人が導入するかしないかを決定する。
5  看取り期には、介護福祉職の判断で胃ろう栄養法を中止する。


猫 Cat

答え 3

1 × 認知症高齢者や家族などの意向や思いを尊重することが重要であり、主治医が一人で決定するものではありません。
2 × 家族だけではなく、本院のお気持ちなどを汲みながら決定していきます。
3 〇 重度の認知症高齢者であっても、本人の意向や価値観などの把握に努め、最善の方法を家族や関係者で判断していきます。
4 × 成年後見人が胃ろう栄養法の導入を決定することは適切とはいえません。
5 × 看取り期であっても、介護福祉職の判断で胃ろう栄養法を中止することはできません。


From the 31st National Examination Question for Care Workers

Problem 85
Choose one appropriate support for gastric fistula nutrition for the elderly with severe dementia.

1 The attending physician decides whether or not to introduce it.
2 Decide whether or not the family will introduce it.
3 Strive to understand the intentions and values of the person, and judge the best for the person by the person concerned.
4 If there is an adult guardian, decide whether or not to introduce it by the adult guardian.
5 During the care period, the gastric fistula nutrition method will be discontinued at the discretion of the long-term care welfare worker.

The correct answer is ↓

猫 Cat

Answer 3
This is a question about gastric fistula nutrition for the elderly with severe dementia.

1 × It is important to respect the intentions and thoughts of the elderly with dementia and their families, and it is not decided by the attending physician alone.
2 × We will make decisions based on the feelings of our hospital as well as our family.
3 〇 Even if you are an elderly person with severe dementia, we will try to understand the intentions and values of the person and decide the best method with family members and related parties.
4 × It is not appropriate for an adult guardian to decide to introduce gastric fistula nutrition.
5 × Even during the care period, the gastric fistula nutrition method cannot be discontinued at the discretion of the long-term care welfare worker.

