1 「訪問介護(ホームヘルプサービス)を毎日利用したらどうですか」
2 「一人暮らしは大変なので息子さんと同居したらどうですか」
3 「また転ぶかもしれないと思っているのですか」
4 「グループホームに入居することを考えたらどうですか」
5 「手すりをつけたし、段差もなくしたので転びませんよ」

答え 3
1 × Aさんは要介護2であり、介護保険による訪問介護を週3回までうけることができます。それ以上は全額が自費となるため、毎日利用することを勧めることはできません。また、2018年(平成30年)10月から、訪問回数の多い訪問介護の生活援助中心型のケアプランについては、市町村が確認し必要に応じて是正することが適当であるとされています。
2 × Aさんの息子さんは遠方に住んでおり、同居が可能であるかどうかもわからない状況で同居を勧めることは不適切です。
3 〇 Aさんは以前、自宅で自宅で転倒して骨折をしたことがあり、また転ぶかもしれないという不安を持っていると思われます。このことから、まずはAさんの不安な気持ちに寄り添うことが大切になります。
4 × グループホーム(認知症対応型共同生活介護)は、認知症がある要介護者を対象とした施設であり、認知症ではないAさんに入居を勧めることは不適切です。
5 × Aさんは、手すりをつけた段差をなくしても、なお不安を訴えていることから、最も適切な応答とは言えません。
From the 31st National Examination Questions for Care Workers
Problem 1
Madam A (82 years old, female, requiring nursing care 2) has taken care of her husband for 7 years and has been living alone since then. When she went to the toilet in the middle of the night, she fell and broke her femoral neck and was hospitalized for three months. She was discharged after she refurbished her home by railing her home and eliminating the steps. If you grab something, you can get up from her chair and walk. She is not good at interacting with people, so she mainly lives at her home. She has only one son living in the distance, and she comes back to see her once a month. She uses home-visit nursing care (home help service) shopping agency and room cleaning three times a week. She wants Ms. A to do herself as much as she can and she wants to continue her life at home. When she was visited by a home helper, she said she was worried that Madam A would continue to live alone.
Choose the one that is most appropriate for her home helper’s response to her A.
1 “Why don’t you use home-visit long-term care (home help service) every day?”
2 “Living alone is difficult, so why not live with her son?”
3 “Do you think you may fall again?”
4 “Why don’t you think about moving into a group home?”
5 “I attached a handrail and there was no step, so I won’t fall.”
The correct answer is ↓

Answer 3
1 × Madam A needs long-term care 2, and can receive home-visit long-term care up to 3 times a week with long-term care insurance. It is not recommended to use it every day, as the full amount will be at your own expense. In addition, from October 2018 (Heisei 30), it is appropriate for municipalities to confirm and correct as necessary for life support-centered care plans for home-visit long-term care that are frequently visited.
2 × Madam A’s son lives far away, and it is inappropriate to recommend living together in a situation where it is not clear whether or not it is possible to live together.
3 〇 Madam A has previously fallen at home and had a broken bone, and seems to be worried that he may fall again. For this reason, it is important to get close to Madam A’s uneasy feelings.
4 × Group home (communal living care for dementia) is a facility for people requiring long-term care with dementia, and it is inappropriate to recommend moving in to Madam A who does not have dementia.
5 × Madam A is still complaining of anxiety even if the step with the handrail is removed, so it cannot be said to be the most appropriate response.