1 体位の確認
2 物品の劣化状況の確認
3 栄養剤の指示内容の確認
4 本人であることの確認
5 経管栄養チューブの固定状況の確認

答え 4
1 × 体位の確認は、栄養剤を利用者のもとに運び、本人確認、説明と同意の後に行います。
2 × 物品の劣化状況の確認は、経管栄養剤の準備の段階で行います。
3 × 栄養剤の指示内容の確認は、経管栄養剤の準備の段階でしっかりと行います。
4 〇 本人であることの確認は、指示された栄養剤を準備して利用者のもとに運んだ後、最初に行う行為です。
5 × 経管栄養チューブの固定状況の確認は、栄養剤を利用者のもとに運んだ後、本人確認、説明と同意、体位の確認後、観察の段階で行います。
From the 31st National Examination Question for Care Workers
Problem 112
As a procedure for tube feeding with gastric fistula, select one of the most appropriate ones as the first action after bringing the nutritional supplement to the user.
1 Confirmation of body position
2 Confirmation of deterioration status of goods
3 Confirmation of nutritional supplement instructions
4 Confirmation of identity
5 Confirmation of the fixing status of the tube feeding tube
The correct answer is ↓

Answer 4
This is a question about the procedure for tube feeding with gastric fistula.
1 × Confirmation of body position is performed after carrying the nutritional supplement to the user, confirming the identity, explaining and consenting.
2 × Confirmation of deterioration of goods is performed at the stage of preparing tube feedings.
3 × Confirmation of nutritional supplement instructions will be done firmly at the stage of preparing tube feeding supplements. It was
4 〇 Confirmation of identity is the first act after preparing the instructed nutritional supplement and carrying it to the user.
5 × Confirmation of the fixation status of the tube feeding tube is performed at the stage of observation after carrying the nutritional supplement to the user, confirming the identity, explaining and agreeing, and confirming the position.