1 社会福祉士は、福祉関連法に定められた援護、措置の事務を行う。
2 精神保健福祉士は、心理検査を実施して精神面の判定を行う。
3 理学療法士は、手芸や工作の作業、家事の訓練を行う。
4 言語聴覚士は、聴覚検査や言語訓練、嚥下訓練を行う。
5 栄養士は、摂食の訓練や摂食のための自助具の作成を行う。

答え 4 障害者を支援する専門職の業務に関する設問です。
1 × 福祉関連法に定められた援護、措置の事務を行うのは、福祉事務所です。社会福祉士は、「社会福祉士及び介護福祉士法」に基づき、身体上・精神上・環境上の理由により日常生活を営むのに支障がある人の福祉に関する相談に応じ、助言、指導、関係者との連携・調整、その他の援助を行います。
2 × 心理検査の実施や精神面の判定は公認心理師、臨床心理士、医師等が行うもので、精神保健福祉士が行うものではありません。精神保健福祉士は、「精神保健福祉士法」に基づき、精神障害者に対する相談援助などの社会福祉業務に携わります。
3 × 手芸や工作その他の作業、家事の訓練を行うのは、作業療法士です。理学療法士は、身体に障害のある人に対し、医師の指示に基づいてリハビリテーションを行います。
4 〇 言語聴覚士は、言語障害・音声障害・嚥下障害・聴覚障害・に対する検査や訓練を行います。
5 × 摂食の訓練は言語聴覚士等が摂食のための自助具の作成は作業療法士等が行います。栄養士は、主に健康な人を対象にして栄養指導や給食の運営を行います。
Problem 14
Select one of the following statements regarding the main duties of the profession that supports persons with disabilities, which is the most appropriate.
1 Social workers carry out the affairs of support and measures stipulated in the welfare-related law.
2 The mental health worker conducts a psychological test to make a mental judgment.
3 The physiotherapist trains in handicrafts, handicraft work, and housework.
4 Speech therapists perform hearing tests, language training, and swallowing training.
5 The dietitian trains on eating and creates self-help tools for eating.
The correct answer is ↓

Answer 4 This is a question about the work of professionals who support people with disabilities.
1 × It is the welfare office that handles the support and measures stipulated in the welfare-related law. Based on the “Social Worker and Certified Social Worker Law,” social workers provide advice, guidance, and advice regarding the welfare of people who have difficulty in living their daily lives due to physical, mental, or environmental reasons. We will cooperate and coordinate with related parties and provide other assistance.
2 × Psychological tests and mental judgments are performed by certified public psychologists, clinical psychologists, doctors, etc., not by mental health workers. Psychiatric social workers are involved in social welfare work such as consultation support for persons with mental disorders based on the “Psychiatric Social Worker Law”.
3 × It is an occupational therapist who trains in handicrafts, crafts and other work, and housework. A physiotherapist will rehabilitate a person with a physical disability based on the instructions of a doctor.
4 〇 A speech therapist conducts inspections and training for speech disorders, voice disorders, dysphagia, and hearing disorders.
5 × The training for eating is done by a speech therapist, etc., and the creation of self-help tools for eating is done by an occupational therapist, etc. Dietitians mainly provide nutritional guidance and school lunches to healthy people.