1 このサービスのオペレーターは、サービス提供責任者のことである。
2 利用者の状態の変化に応じて、随時訪問サービスを利用することができる。
3 介護・看護一体型では、訪問看護サービスを利用しても介護報酬は同一である。
4 日常生活上の緊急時の対応は行っていない。
5 要支援者、要介護者のどちらも利用できる。

答え 2 定期巡回・随時対応型訪問介護看護に関する設問です。
1 × 定期巡回・随時対応型訪問介護看護のオペレーターは、必ずしもサービス提供責任者でなくてもよいです。利用者のサービスに支障がない範囲で、その事業所の他職種や同一敷地内の他の施設・事業所(介護老人福祉施設や介護老人保健施設等)の夜勤職員等が兼務できます。例えば、夜間・深夜・早朝の時間帯(午後6時から午前8時まで)は、随時訪問介護を行う訪問看護員が、オペレーターを兼務することも可能となります。
2 〇 定期巡回・随時対応型訪問介護看護は、定期的な訪問だけでなく、利用者の状態の変化に応じて、随時の訪問サービスを受けることもできます。また、日中・夜間を通じてサービスを受けることや、訪問介護と訪問看護を一体的に受けることが可能です。
3 × 介護・看護一体型の場合、介護報酬は訪問看護の利用の有無によってことなります。例えば、訪問介護だけを利用するよりも訪問看護も利用するほうが介護報酬は高くなります。つまり利用者の負担が多くなります。
4 × 定期巡回・随時対応型訪問介護看護では、定期巡回サービス(定期的な訪問介護)や随時対応サービス(24時間連絡受付対応)、訪問看護(定期的な訪問看護)に加え、随時訪問サービス(緊急時や必要時における訪問介護)等も行っています。さらに、加算によって緊急時の訪問看護を受けることも可能となります。
5 × 定期巡回・随時対応型訪問介護看護は、重度者をはじめとした要介護者の在宅生活を24時間支える仕組みの不足や医療ニーズが高い利用者に対して医療と介護の連携が不足していること等の理由で、2012年4月に創設されたもので、要支援1・2の人は利用できません。
Problem 21
Please select the most appropriate one from the following descriptions regarding regular patrol and occasional home-visit nursing care.
1 The operator of this service is the person in charge of providing the service.
2 The visit service can be used at any time according to changes in the user’s condition.
3 In the integrated nursing / nursing system, the nursing care fee is the same even if the home-visit nursing service is used.
4 We do not respond to emergencies in daily life.
5 Both people requiring support and people requiring long-term care can use it.
The correct answer is ↓

Answer 2 This is a question about regular patrol and occasional home-visit nursing care.
1 × The operator of regular patrol and occasional home-visit nursing care does not necessarily have to be the person in charge of providing services. As long as it does not interfere with the service of the user, night shift staff of other occupations of the business establishment or other facilities / business establishments (long-term care health facility, long-term care health facility, etc.) on the same site can also serve concurrently. For example, during the night, midnight, and early morning hours (from 6:00 pm to 8:00 am), a home-visit nurse who provides home-visit care at any time can also serve as an operator.
2 〇 Regular patrol and occasional home-visit nursing care can receive not only regular visits but also occasional visit services according to changes in the user’s condition. In addition, it is possible to receive services during the day and at night, and to receive home-visit nursing care and home-visit nursing care in an integrated manner.
3 × In the case of integrated long-term care / nursing, the long-term care fee depends on whether or not home-visit nursing is used. For example, the cost of nursing care is higher when using home-visit nursing than when using only home-visit nursing. In other words, the burden on the user increases.
4 × Regular patrol and occasional home-visit nursing care includes regular patrol service (regular home-visit nursing care), occasional response service (24-hour contact reception), home-visit nursing care (regular home-visit nursing care), and occasional home-visit service. We also provide (home-visit nursing care in case of emergency or need). In addition, it is possible to receive home-visit nursing care in an emergency by adding.
5 × Regular patrol and occasional home-visit nursing care lacks a mechanism to support the home life of people requiring nursing care 24 hours a day, including severely ill people, and lacks coordination between medical care and long-term care for users with high medical needs. It was established in April 2012 for reasons such as the fact that it is not available to people who need support 1 or 2.