1 「不安な気持ちに負けてはいけません」
2 「きっと自宅に戻れますよ」
3 「Hさんが不安に思う必要はありません」
4 「不安に思っているHさんがかわいそうです」
5 「リハビリがうまくいかなくて不安なのですね」

答え 5
1 × 「このままでは自宅に戻れないようになるのか・・・」と暗い表情で話しかけてきたHさんには、思うようにリハビリが進まないことから在宅復帰に向けての不安があると予測できます。共感的な応答では、そうしたHさんの不安な思いを介護福祉職も共有することが基本となります。それに対して「不安な気持ちに負けてはいけません」という応答は、すでに頑張っているHさんにプレッシャーを与え、精神的にさらに追い詰めてしまうおそれがあります。
2 × 「きっと自宅に戻れますよ」と安易に声掛けすることは、「このままで自宅に戻れるようになるのか・・・」という不安があるHさんの思いを軽視した対応ともいえ、不適切です。
3 × 「Hさんが不安に思う必要はありません」という声掛けは、リハビリが進まないことから在宅復帰に向けて不安があるHさんの思いを受け止めておられず、不適切です。
4 × 介護福祉職自身の判断で勝手にHさんのことを「かわいそう」と決めつけることは偏見を伴い、Hさんの不安な気持ちを受け止めていない。また、Hさん自身を不快にさせるおそれもあります。
5 〇 共感とは、介護福祉職が利用者の思いを受け止め、その感情を共有することです。共感的な応答をするためにも、介護福祉職は利用者の思いや感情を受け止め、それを適切に利用者に伝え返すことが求められます。この場合、思うようにリハビリが進まないことから在宅復帰に向けての不安があるHさんに対して「リハビリがうまくいかなくて不安なのですね」とフィードバックすることが、共感的な応答となります。
Problem 29
Mr. H (75 years old, male) developed cerebral infarction and was hospitalized, and left hemiplegia remained as a sequela. After his discharge, he entered the Long-Term Care Health Facility and is working on rehabilitation with the aim of returning home. One day, Mr. H talked to J Nursing Care and Welfare with a dark expression, “I’m trying hard to rehabilitate, but it doesn’t go well. Will I be able to return home as it is?”
At this time, select the most appropriate one as the sympathetic response of the J long-term care welfare worker to Mr. H.
1 “Don’t lose your anxiety”
2 “I’m sure you can go home”
3 “Mr. H does not have to worry”
4 “I feel sorry for Mr. H who is worried.”
5 “I’m worried that rehabilitation isn’t going well.”
The correct answer is ↓

Answer 5
This is a question about the sympathetic response of the long-term care welfare staff to users who are working on rehabilitation with the aim of returning home.
1 × Mr. H, who talked with a dark expression, “Isn’t it possible to return home as it is?” Can be predicted to have anxiety about returning home because rehabilitation does not proceed as expected. increase. In the empathic response, it is basic to share such anxious feelings of Mr. H with the care and welfare staff. On the other hand, the response “Don’t lose your anxiety” puts pressure on Mr. H who is already working hard, and there is a risk that he will be further mentally cornered.
2 × It is inappropriate to simply say “I’m sure you can go home”, even if it is a response that disregards Mr. H’s anxiety about “Is it possible to go home as it is?” am.
3 × The voice saying “Mr. H does not have to be anxious” is inappropriate because he does not accept the thoughts of Mr. H who is anxious about returning home because rehabilitation is not progressing.
4 × It is prejudiced to decide that Mr. H is “poor” at his own discretion, and he does not accept Mr. H’s uneasy feelings. It may also make Mr. H himself uncomfortable.
5 〇 Empathy means that the long-term care welfare staff accepts the user’s feelings and shares those feelings. In order to respond sympathetically, the long-term care welfare staff is required to accept the thoughts and feelings of the user and appropriately convey them to the user. In this case, the sympathetic response is to give feedback to Mr. H, who is worried about returning home because the rehabilitation does not proceed as expected, saying, “I’m worried that the rehabilitation is not going well.”