1 Fさんが安心して暮らせるように、長男に施設入所を勧める。
2 夜間に熟睡できるよう、日中は宿泊室に入らないように説明する。
3 長く作動を続けてきたので、水分補給は緑茶に変更する。
4 心を落ち着かせるため、読書を勧める。
5 茶道の師範だったので、お茶のたて方を話題にする。

答え 5 小規模多機能型居宅介護を利用している利用者の生活を支えるための介護に関する設問です。
1 × Fさんは「施設への通い」「自宅への訪問」「短期間の宿泊」の各サービスを受けることができる小規模多機能型居宅介護を利用しながら、現在、在宅での一人暮らしを継続しています。現段階ではFさん自身からも長男からも施設入所の希望は出されておらず、介護福祉職が勝手に施設入所を勧めるのは不適切となります。
2 × 夜間に熟睡できるかできないかは日中に宿泊室に入るか入らないかでは決まりません。一般的に高齢者は眠りが浅く、なかなか寝付けない入眠障害や夜中に何度も目を覚ます中途覚醒等を引き起こしやすいといわれています。その結果、ぐっすり眠れたと感じない熟眠障害が発生し、日中、寝ていることが多くなることもあります。Fさんの場合、日中にコミュニケーションや趣味活動の機会を設けたり、枕の高さ等、寝具の不具合がないかを確認したりする等、安眠に向けた支援が必要となります。
3 × 緑茶や紅茶、コーヒー等にはカフェインが含まれています。カフェインには覚醒効果のほか利尿作用があり、必要以上に水分を体外に排出させてしまうおそれがあります。ですから、茶道の師範であったFさんであっても、水分補給を緑茶に変更することは適切ではありません。
4 × アルツハイマー型認知症と診断されたFさんには、物忘れのほかに理解力・判断力の障害、集中力の低下等の症状もあると考えられます。また、Fさんが読書好きであったという情報は確認できません。ですから、理解力と集中力が必要となる読書をあえてFさんに勧めるのは適切とはいえません。
5 〇 認知症になっても、利用者は何もできなくなるわけではありません。認知症であっても、その利用者が自分らしく生活するためにも、利用者本人の思いやりや生活歴、趣味活動等を介護計画に反映させる必要があります。Fさんの場合、茶道の師範であったことを活かし、お茶のたて方を話題にする等の介護計画を立てて実施することが、介護福祉職に求められます。
Problem 19
Ms. F (87 years old, female, requiring nursing care 3), who was a tea ceremony teacher, lost her husband at the age of 70 and has been living alone since then. At the age of 79, her eldest son, who regularly visited her parents’ house, noticed her mother, whose forgetfulness became noticeable. When he visited a psychiatrist, he was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. We have been using small-scale multifunctional home care since last year, but recently, the use of accommodation services is gradually increasing. Ms. F often sleeps even when he comes to the book, and he has more time with less facial expressions than before. Please select one of the most appropriate long-term care for the long-term care welfare worker to support Ms. F’s life.
1 I recommend the eldest son to enter the facility so that Mr. F can live with peace of mind.
2 Explain that you should not enter the accommodation room during the day so that you can sleep well at night.
3 Since it has been operating for a long time, change the hydration to green tea.
4 We recommend reading to calm your mind.
5 Since she was a tea ceremony master, she talks about how to make tea.
The correct answer is ↓

Answer 5 This is a question about long-term care to support the lives of users who use small-scale multifunctional home care.
1 × Ms. F is currently living alone at home while using small-scale multifunctional home-based long-term care that allows him to receive the services of “going to a facility,” “visiting his home,” and “staying for a short period of time.” It continues. At this stage, neither Ms. F himself nor his eldest son has requested to enter the facility, and it is inappropriate for the long-term care welfare staff to recommend admission to the facility without permission.
2 × Whether or not you can sleep well at night does not depend on whether you enter the accommodation room during the day or not. It is generally said that elderly people sleep lightly and are liable to have difficulty falling asleep and to wake up many times in the middle of the night. The result is a deep sleep disorder that doesn’t feel like a good night’s sleep, and may often sleep during the day. In the case of Ms. F, it is necessary to provide support for a good night’s sleep, such as providing opportunities for communication and hobby activities during the day, and checking for problems with bedding such as pillow height.
3 × Green tea, black tea, coffee, etc. contain caffeine. Caffeine has a diuretic effect as well as a wakefulness effect, and may cause more water to be discharged from the body than necessary. Therefore, even Ms. F, who was a tea ceremony instructor, is not appropriate to change hydration to green tea.
4 × Ms. F, who has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, is thought to have symptoms such as impaired comprehension / judgment and poor concentration in addition to forgetfulness. Also, I cannot confirm the information that Ms. F liked reading. Therefore, it is not appropriate to dare to recommend reading to Ms. F, which requires understanding and concentration.
5 〇 Even if you have dementia, it does not mean that the user cannot do anything. Even with dementia, it is necessary to reflect the user’s compassion, life history, hobby activities, etc. in the long-term care plan so that the user can live in his or her own way. In the case of Ms. F, it is required for the long-term care welfare staff to make use of the fact that he was a teacher of the tea ceremony and to make and implement a long-term care plan such as talking about how to make tea.