1 家族介護者の介護離職の防止
2 医学的管理
3 日常生活への適応のために必要な訓練
4 福祉サービス関係者等との連携
5 子育て支援

答え 4 社会福祉士及び介護福祉士法における介護福祉士の義務に関する設問です。
1 × 家族介護者の介護離職防止は、行政や企業等も含めて社会的な課題として対応すべきものであります。例えば、介護離職防止の啓発や仕事と介護の両立を目指して活動する団体として、一般社団法人介護離職防止対策促進機構があります。
2 × 医学的管理は、医師や歯科医師が計画的・継続的に実施するものです。
3 × 日常生活への適応のために必要な訓練は、主に理学療法士や作業療法士、言語聴覚士が実施するものです。
4 〇 社会福祉士及び介護福祉士法には、介護福祉士に求められる義務等が明記されており、第47条2項には「担当する者に、認知症であること等の心身の状況その他の状況に応じて、福祉サービス等が総合的かつ適切に提供されるよう、福祉サービス関係者等との連携を保たなければならない」と、連携の義務を規定しています。
5 × 子育て支援は、行政や企業等も含めて社会的な課題として取り組むべきものです。
Problem 18
As a certified social worker and a certified care worker under the Certified Social Worker Law, please select one that is appropriate.
1 Prevention of family caregivers leaving their jobs
2 Medical management
3 Training necessary for adaptation to daily life
4 Cooperation with welfare service personnel, etc.
5 Child-rearing support
The correct answer is ↓

Answer 4 This is a question regarding the obligations of certified social workers and certified certified workers under the Certified Social Worker Law.
1 × Preventing family caregivers from leaving their jobs should be addressed as a social issue, including the government and companies. For example, the General Incorporated Association Long-term Care Turnover Prevention Measures Promotion Organization is an organization that works to raise awareness of long-term care turnover prevention and balance work and long-term care.
2 × Medical management is systematically and continuously carried out by doctors and dentists.
3 × Training necessary for adaptation to daily life is mainly carried out by physical therapists, occupational therapists, and speech therapists.
4 〇 The Social Worker and Certified Care Worker Law stipulates the obligations required of certified care workers, and Article 47, Paragraph 2 states that “the person in charge has dementia and other physical and mental conditions. We must maintain cooperation with welfare service personnel so that welfare services, etc. can be provided comprehensively and appropriately according to other situations. “
5 × Child-rearing support should be tackled as a social issue, including government and companies.