



1  生後3か月頃、指を使って積み木がつかめるようになる。
2  生後6か月頃、つかまり立ちができるようになる。
3  1歳頃、喃語が現れ始める。
4  2歳頃、二語文を話すようになる。
5  3歳頃、愛着(アタッチメント)が形成され始める。


猫 Cat

答え 4

1 × 生後3か月頃には、首がすわる、うつ伏せで顔を上げることができるようになります。指を使って積み木がつかめるようになるのは、9~11か月頃といわれています。
2 × 生後6か月頃には寝返りができるようになります。つかまり立ちができるのは、8~9か月頃といわれています。
3 × 喃語は、6~7か月頃に現れ始め、1歳頃より意味のある単語を話せるようになるといわれています。
4 〇 2歳頃に、意味のある単語をつなげて、二語文を話すようになるといわれています。 
5 × 親への愛着(アタッチメント)は、0歳から1歳までの間に形成されます。3歳は、愛着(アタッチメント)を広げていく時期といわれています。


From the 31st National Examination Question for Care Workers

Problem 69
Choose the appropriate one of the following statements regarding standard mental and physical development of infants.

1 Around 3 months after birth, you will be able to grab blocks with your fingers.
2 Around 6 months after birth, you will be able to grab and stand.
3 Around the age of one, babbling begins to appear.
4 When she was about two years old, she began to speak bilingual sentences.
5 Around the age of 3, attachments begin to form.

The correct answer is ↓

猫 Cat

Answer 4
This is a question about the standard mental and physical development of infants.

1 × Around 3 months after birth, you will be able to sit on your neck and raise your face on your stomach. It is said that it takes about 9 to 11 months to grasp the building blocks with your fingers.
2 × You will be able to turn over around 6 months after birth. It is said that it is about 8 to 9 months that you can grab and stand.
3 × Babbling begins to appear around 6 to 7 months, and it is said that you will be able to speak meaningful words from around 1 year old.
4 〇 It is said that around the age of two, you will be able to connect meaningful words and speak two-word sentences. It was
5 × Attachment to parents is formed between the ages of 0 and 1. It is said that 3 years old is the time to expand attachments.

