1 規則正しい生活を送るように話す。
2 入居前の生活の様子を聞く。
3 ホームの日課を伝える。
4 介護福祉職がホームでの役割を決める。
5 長男に面会に来てもらえるように、生活相談員に依頼する。

答え 2
1 × Eさんは、息子に促されて介護付有料老人ホームに入居したことで生活環境が変わり、何をしてよいかわからず、戸惑っておられると思われます。そのような状況の中で規則正しい生活を送るように話すことは、戸惑うEさんの気持ちを受け止めておらず、さらにEさん自身が自分を責めてしまうおそれもありえます。
2 〇 高齢者は生活環境への適応力が低下するため、ホームに入居することで不安になったりとまどったりすることが多くあります。ですから、まずは入居前の生活の様子を聞くなど、Eさんが安心して話せる雰囲気をつくる必要があります。
3 × 介護付有料老人ホームにおいても、ホームの日課に利用者を合わせようとするのではなく、できる限り利用者がこれまで歩んできた生活が継続できるように支援していくことが基本となります。
4 × 個々の利用者によって思いや嗜好、能力等は異なります。ですから、介護福祉職がホームでの利用者の役割を勝手に決めてしまうのではなく、利用者の意思や嗜好等を尊重し、その人らしさが発揮できる役割をその利用者と一緒になって見出すことが介護福祉職には求められます。
5 × Eさんからは長男に面会に来てほしいという要望は出されていません。息子は隣県に住んでおり都合もわからないのに、勝手に面会に来てもらえるように生活相談員に依頼するのは不適切です。
From the 31st National Examination Question for Care Workers
Problem 57
Ms. E (78 years old, female 9 lost her husband 30 years ago. She took care of her mother-in-law for eight years alone and took care of her at home a year ago. Ms. E, who has just moved in, spends his time alone in the room during the day, saying, “I don’t know what to do.”
Choose one of the most appropriate long-term care and welfare services for Ms. E, who is confused about living in her home.
1 Talk to live a regular life.
2 Listen to how you lived before moving in.
3 Tell the daily routine of the home.
4 The long-term care welfare staff decides the role at home.
5 Ask a life counselor to have your eldest son come to visit you.
The correct answer is ↓

Answer 2
This is a question regarding how to deal with users who live in paid nursing homes for the elderly.
1 × Ms. E seems to be confused because his son encouraged him to move into a pay nursing home with long-term care, which changed his living environment and he did not know what to do. Talking to lead a regular life in such a situation does not accept Ms. E’s feelings of confusion, and it is possible that Ms. E himself will blame himself.
2 〇 Elderly people are less adaptable to their living environment, so moving into a home often makes them anxious and confused. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to create an atmosphere where Ms. E can talk with peace of mind, such as listening to the state of life before moving in.
3 × Even in paid nursing homes with long-term care, it is basic to support users so that they can continue their lives as much as possible, rather than trying to match users with the daily routine of the home. ..
4 × Thoughts, tastes, abilities, etc. differ depending on each user. Therefore, the long-term care welfare staff does not decide the role of the user in the home without permission, but respects the intention and taste of the user and plays a role that can demonstrate the person’s personality together with the user. Finding is required for long-term care and welfare workers.
5 × Ms.E has not requested her eldest son to come to visit. Her son lives in a neighboring prefecture and is uncertain, but it is inappropriate to ask a life counselor to come to visit him without permission.