1 心身機能の個人差が大きくなる。
2 視覚機能が低下する。
3 流動性知能が低下する。
4 認知機能が低下する。
5 頑固な性格になる。

答え 5
1 × 高齢になると心身機能が低下しますが、生活状況や疾病など様々な要因により個人差も大きくなります。
2 × 高齢になると資格情報を処理する速さ、暗順応、動体視力、遠近の焦点が合いにくいなどの視覚機能の低下が認められます。
3 × 流動性知能とは、新しいことを学習したり、新しい環境に適応する能力をさします。高齢になると流動性知能は低下するといわれています。
4 × 高齢になると、認知機能の低下が一般的にみられるようになります。
5 × 「高齢になると頑固な性格になる」は、高齢者であるという理由による否定的な固定観念というエイジズムといえます。
From the 31st National Examination Question for Care Workers
Problem 70
From the following perspectives on the elderly, select one that corresponds to ageism.
1 Individual differences in mental and physical functions increase.
2 Visual function deteriorates.
3 Liquidity intelligence declines.
4 Cognitive function declines.
5 Become a stubborn personality.
The correct answer is ↓

Answer 5
This is a question about ageism. Ageism means age discrimination, especially prejudice and discrimination against the elderly.
1 × As people get older, their mental and physical functions decline, but individual differences also increase due to various factors such as living conditions and illness.
2 × As people get older, their visual function deteriorates, such as the speed of processing credential information, dark adaptation, dynamic visual acuity, and difficulty in focusing perspective.
3 × Fluid intelligence refers to the ability to learn new things and adapt to new environments. It is said that fluid intelligence declines as we get older.
4 × As people get older, cognitive decline becomes more common. It was
5 × “Becoming a stubborn personality as we get older” can be said to be an ageism of negative stereotypes because we are elderly.