1 放課後や休日に児童・生徒の活動を支援する放課後等のデイサービスが創設された。
2 一人暮らしを希望する障害者に対して、地域生活を支援する自立生活援助が創設された。
3 障害者の1年間以上の雇用継続を義務付ける就労定着支援が創設された。
4 保育所等を訪問して、障害児に発達支援を提供する保育所等訪問支援が創設された。
5 医療的ケアを必要とする障害児への支援として、医療型障害児入所施設が創設された。

答え 2 2016年の「障害者総合支援法」の改正内容に関する設問です。
1 × 放課後等デイサービスは、障害のある学齢期児童が学校の授業終了後や学校休業に通う、療育機能・居場所機能を備えた福祉サービスで、かつては児童福祉法を根拠としていたが、2010年の「障害者総合支援法」の改正により一元化されました。
2 〇 自立生活援助は、障害者施設やグループホーム等から地域での一人暮らしに移行した障害者を支援するため、定期的な巡回訪問等によって状況を把握し、必要な情報提供や助言等の支援を一体的に行うものです。
3 × 就労定着支援は、就労移行支援等の利用を経て一般就労へ移行し、就労に伴う環境変化により生活面の課題が生じているものを対象として、事業所や家族との連絡調整や指導・助言などの支援を行います。就労定着支援は、障害者総合支援法に基づき、2018年から始まった福祉サービスです。
4 × 保育所等訪問支援は、2012年4月に施行された改正児童福祉法により創設された支援で、保育所等に通う障害のある児童について、通い先の施設等を訪問し、障害のある児童及び保育所等のスタッフに対し、集団生活に適応するための専門的な支援や支援方法等の指導等を行います。
5 × 医療型障害児入所施設は、障害のある児童を入所させて、保護、日常生活の指導等を行うとともに治療を行う、児童福祉法に基づくサービスです。
Problem 13
Please select one appropriate revision of the 2016 “Comprehensive Support Law for Persons with Disabilities”.
1 After-school day services have been established to support the activities of children and students after school and on holidays.
2 Independent living support was established to support community life for persons with disabilities who wish to live alone.
3 Employment retention support was established that obliges persons with disabilities to continue employment for one year or more.
4 Visiting support for nursery schools, etc. was established to provide developmental support to children with disabilities by visiting nursery schools.
5 A medical facility for children with disabilities was established to support children with disabilities who need medical care.
The correct answer is ↓

Answer 2 This is a question regarding the revised content of the 2016 “Comprehensive Support Law for Persons with Disabilities”.
1 × After-school day service is a welfare service with nursing and whereabouts functions that allows school-aged children with disabilities to attend school after class or on school holidays. It was unified by the revision of the “Comprehensive Support Law for Persons with Disabilities” in the year.
2 〇 Independent living support is to support people with disabilities who have shifted from facilities for people with disabilities and group homes to living alone in the area, so that they can grasp the situation through regular patrol visits, etc., and provide necessary information and advice. Is to be done integrally.
3 × Employment retention support shifts to general employment through the use of employment transition support, etc., and for those who have problems in their daily lives due to environmental changes associated with employment, contact coordination and guidance with business establishments and families・ We will provide support such as advice. Employment retention support is a welfare service that started in 2018 based on the Comprehensive Support Law for Persons with Disabilities.
4 × The support for visiting nursery schools, etc. is the support established by the revised Child Welfare Act that came into effect in April 2012. We will provide guidance such as professional support and support methods for adapting to group life to certain children and staff of nursery schools.
5 × Medical-type child with a disability admission facility is a service based on the Child Welfare Act that allows children with disabilities to be admitted to provide protection, guidance in daily life, and treatment.