1 通所介護(デイサービス)の職員に注意しておくと伝える。
2 介護保険審査会にも申し出るように助言する。
3 介護保険の事業所の苦情対応の仕組みを説明して、担当者に相談するように助言する。
4 しばらく様子を見てから、改めて相談に応じると伝える。
5 日常生活自立支援事業を契約して、苦情解決を援助してもらうようにする。

答え 3 苦情を申し出たい利用者への訪問介護員(ホームヘルパー)の対応についての設問です。
1 × U事業所の訪問介護員(ホームヘルパー)が、V事業所の職員に注意しておくとEさんに対して伝えることは、実際に注意するしないにかかわらず適切ではありません。
2 × 介護保険審査会は各都道府県に設置され、市町村(保険者)が行った介護保険における保険給付や要介護(要支援)認定などに関する行政処分に対する不服申し立て(審査請求)の審理・採決を行う第三者機関です。
3 〇 介護サービスについて不満や苦情などがあるときは、まず、サービス提供事業者(この場合はV事業所)との話し合いや、担当の介護支援専門員に相談することで、解決を図ることが望まれます。しかし、事業者との話し合いで解決できなかった場合などには、保険者である市町村、運営適正化委員会、国民健康保険団体連合会に相談することもできます。
4 × 何も対策を講じずにV事業所の職員の対応が改善するとは考えにくく、その場しのぎの対応となっており、適切ではありません。
5 × 日常生活自立支援事業は、認知症高齢者、知的障害者、精神障害者等のうち判断能力が不十分な人を対象とした事業で、社会福祉協議会が本人との契約に基づき、福祉サービスの利用援助(サービスの利用申し込みや契約、利用料金の支払い手続きなど)、日常的な金銭管理、重要書類等の預かりなど支援を行います。苦情解決を目的として日常生活自立支援事業を契約することは不適切となります。
Problem 15
Mr. E (75 years old) uses home-visit long-term care (home help service) at U office and outpatient care (day service) at V office. She consulted with a home helper at the U office about what she should do if she is dissatisfied with the response of the day service staff and she wants to make a complaint. Choose the one that is most appropriate for the home helper.
1 Tell the staff of day care (day service) to be careful.
2 Advise the long-term care insurance examination committee to also apply.
3 Explain the mechanism for handling complaints at long-term care insurance establishments and advise them to consult with the person in charge.
4 She waits for a while and then tells her that she will consult again.
5 Contract a daily life independence support project to get assistance in resolving complaints.
The correct answer is ↓

Answer 3 This is a question about how a home helper responds to a user who wants to make a complaint.
1 × It is not appropriate for the home helper (home helper) at the U office to tell Mr. E that he should be careful about the staff at the V office, regardless of whether he actually pays attention.
2 × Long-term care insurance examination committees are set up in each prefecture to hear and vote on complaints (request for examination) against administrative dispositions related to insurance benefits and long-term care (support required) certification in long-term care insurance conducted by municipalities (insurers). It is a third party organization that does.
3 〇 If you have any dissatisfaction or complaint about the long-term care service, you can first discuss it with the service provider (in this case, V office) or consult with the long-term care support specialist in charge. It is desired. However, if you cannot solve the problem through discussions with the business operator, you can consult with the insurer, the municipality, the Management Optimization Committee, or the National Health Insurance Association.
4 × It is unlikely that the response of the staff at V office will improve without taking any measures, and it is a makeshift response, which is not appropriate.
5 × The daily life independence support project is a project for elderly people with dementia, people with intellectual disabilities, people with mental disabilities, etc. who have insufficient judgment ability, and the Council of Social Welfare is based on a contract with the person. , Welfare service usage support (service usage application and contract, usage fee payment procedure, etc.), daily money management, custody of important documents, etc. are supported. It is inappropriate to contract a daily life independence support project for the purpose of resolving complaints.