



1  ベッドの足元をギャッジアップする。
2  お湯の温度の確認は、利用者、介護福祉職の順に行う。
3  ズボンを脱がせて、下肢を露出する。
4  洗う側の足関節を保持しながら洗う。
5  両足を一度に持ち上げて、すすぐ。


猫 Cat

答え 4

1 × 座位が可能な場合は座位で足浴を行いますが、無理な場合はベッド上で足浴を行う場合もあります。ベッド上で足浴を行う際は、頭と背中側をギャッジアップします。
2 × お湯の温度は、まず介護福祉職が適温であるかどうかを確認しなければなりません。適温であることが確認できた後に、利用者に確認してもらうようにします。
3 × 一般的な足浴は膝から下の部分をお湯にいれるため、ズボンをすべて脱がなくても、裾を手繰り寄せて膝上まで上げれば、足浴が可能です。
4 〇 足浴では、片足ずつ、洗う側の足関節を支えながら洗うようにします。
5 × 足浴では、お湯に足を入れるときも、洗うときも、すすぐときも、出るときも、片足ずつが基本となります。


From the 31st National Examination Question for Care Workers

Problem 47
Choose an appropriate one as the basic procedure and method for performing a foot bath on the bed.

1 Gudge up the feet of the bed.
2 Check the temperature of hot water in the order of user and long-term care welfare worker.
3 Take off your pants to expose your lower limbs.
4 Wash while holding the ankle joint on the washing side.
5 Lift both feet at once and rinse.

The correct answer is ↓

猫 Cat

Answer 4
It is a question about the basic procedure and method when carrying out a foot bath on the bed.

1 × If it is possible to sit down, we will take a foot bath in the sitting position, but if it is not possible, we may take a foot bath on the bed. When taking a foot bath on the bed, gudge up the head and back.
2 × The temperature of hot water must first be confirmed by the care and welfare staff. After confirming that the temperature is appropriate, ask the user to confirm it.
3 × In general foot baths, the part below the knees is put in hot water, so even if you do not take off all your pants, you can take a foot bath by pulling up the hem and raising it above the knees.
4 〇 In the foot bath, wash one foot at a time while supporting the ankle joint on the washing side.
5 × In the foot bath, one foot is the basis for putting your feet in hot water, washing, rinsing, and getting out.

