
1 A
2 B
3 C
4 D
5 E

答え 3
1 × Aは「脳血管疾患(脳卒中)」で総数16.6%と2番目に多く、要介護も要支援も多いです。
2 × Bは「関節疾患」で、総数10.2%と5番目に多く、要支援者の割合が多いです。
3 〇 Cは「認知症」で、総数18.0%と最も多く、要介護者の中で最も多いです。
4 × Dは「骨折・転倒」で、総数12.1%と4番目に多いです。
5 × Eは「高齢による衰弱」で、総数13.3%と3番目に多いです。
From the 31st National Examination Question for Care Workers
Problem 78
The figure is based on the 2016 (Heisei 28) “National Life Basic Survey” (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare), and creates the composition ratio of the main causes that require long-term care for those requiring long-term care and those requiring long-term care in the long-term care insurance system. It was done.

From A to E
・ “Joint disease”
・ “Weakness due to old age”
・ “Fracture / fall”
・ One of “cerebrovascular disease / stroke” is applicable.
Please select the correct one that corresponds to “dementia”.
1 A
2 B
3 C
4 D
5 E
The correct answer is ↓

Answer 3
It is a question about the cause of becoming a long-term care condition in the 2016 (Heisei 28) “National Life Basic Survey”.
1 x A is the second highest in total of 16.6% for “cerebrovascular disease (stroke)”, and there are many needs for long-term care and support.
2 × B is “joint disease”, which is the fifth largest with a total of 10.2%, and the ratio of people requiring support is high.
3 ○ C is “dementia”, which is the most common with a total of 18.0%, and is the most common among those requiring long-term care. It was
4 x D is “fracture / fall”, which is the fourth highest with a total of 12.1%.
5 x E is “weakness due to old age”, which is the third highest with a total of 13.3%.