1 ADL(Activities of Daliy Living:日常生活活動)に最も支障が少ない姿勢である。
2 肘関節を伸ばした姿勢である。
3 つま先が下を向いた姿勢である。
4 拘縮を起こしやすい姿勢である。
5 クッションを用いた保持は避ける。

答え 1
1 〇 ADLに支障のない関節角度をとった肢位を良肢位といい、体の各部位の位置関係に関係なく、安楽な状態のことといわれています。
2 × 肘関節を90度屈曲した姿勢です。
3 × つま先が上を向いた姿勢(足首は90度)です。
4 × 良肢位は、拘縮を防ぐためにも有効な姿勢です。
5 × 仰臥位の場合、クッションなどを用いて良肢位を保持しながら体位変換を行います。
From the 31st National Examination Question for Care Workers
Problem 100
Choose one of the following statements about good limb position that is most appropriate.
1 This is the posture that has the least hindrance to ADL (Activities of Daliy Living).
2 It is a posture in which the elbow joint is extended.
3 The toes are facing down.
4 The posture is prone to contracture.
5 Avoid holding with cushions.
The correct answer is ↓

Answer 1
This is a question about good limb position.
1 〇 A limb position with a joint angle that does not interfere with ADL is called a good limb position, and it is said to be in a comfortable state regardless of the positional relationship of each part of the body.
2 × It is a posture in which the elbow joint is bent 90 degrees.
3 × The posture with the toes facing up (ankle is 90 degrees).
4 × Good limb position is an effective posture to prevent contracture. It was
5 × In the case of supine position, change the position while maintaining a good limb position using a cushion or the like.