1 学習性無力感
2 反動形成
3 統合失調症の陰性症状
4 せん妄
5 パーソナリティの変化

答え 1
1 〇 学習性無力感は、努力を重ねてきても望む結果が得られないことが続くことで、何をしても無意味であると学習し、努力をしなくなることをいいます。事例のAさんの場合、入所間もない頃の要望に応えてもらえない経験が、学習性無力感を起こす原因になっていると考えられます。
2 × 反動形成は、適応機制の1つです。知られたくない欲求や感情とは反対の言動を行うことによって、本当の欲求や感情を隠そうとする言動となります。
3 × 統合失調症の陰性症状は、意欲低下や常同思考などにあたります。事例では意欲低下はみられるものの、ほかに統合失調症を示すような情報はみられません。
4 × せん妄は意識障害の1つで、幻覚や妄想などを起こし、夜間に多いのが特徴です。事例には、意識障害を示すような情報はみられません。
5 × パーソナリティーの変化は、人格や性格が変化するということです。事例の場合、意欲に変化はあったが、正確に変化はみられませんでした。
From the 31st National Examination Question for Care Workers
Problem 72
Please select the correct one from the following statements regarding urinary incontinence.
1 Leakage of urine due to dementia is called stress urinary incontinence.
2 It is called urge incontinence to leak urine without being able to put up with the toilet.
3 Leaking urine when holding a heavy object is called mixed urinary incontinence.
4 Overflow incontinence is when urine is leaked due to various causes.
5 Leakage of urine due to benign prostatic hyperplasia is called functional urinary incontinence.
The correct answer is ↓

Answer 2
This is a question about urinary incontinence.
1 × As dementia progresses, the position of the toilet becomes unknown, and urinating to a place other than the toilet is classified as functional urinary incontinence.
2 〇 Urge incontinence that leaks in time for the toilet is often caused by cystitis, cerebrovascular accident, Parkinson’s disease, etc. It was
3 × Leakage of urine when holding a heavy object is called stress urinary incontinence, which is common in women and is said to be caused by weakness of the pelvic floor muscles. It was
4 × Overflow incontinence is a condition in which urine does not come out well and urine accumulated in the bladder gradually comes out. It is mainly found in men, and is often found in benign prostatic hyperplasia, diabetes, and spinal cord injury.
5 × Leakage of urine due to benign prostatic hyperplasia is classified as overflow incontinence. Functional urinary incontinence is urinary incontinence when you can urinate by yourself, but you cannot reach the toilet on your own due to deterioration of physical functions other than urination or dementia.