1 袖を抜くときは手⇒肘⇒肩の順で行う。
2 脱いだ寝衣を広げ、その上に新しい寝衣を重ねて広げる。
3 利用者の脊柱と新しい寝衣の背縫いの部分を合わせる。
4 左前身頃の上に、右前見頃を重ねる。
5 腰紐は結び目が背中に回るように結ぶ。

答え 3
1 × 和式寝衣の袖を抜くときは、えり元をゆるめて、肩⇒肘⇒手の順で行います。
2 × 脱いだ和式寝衣は広げず、皮膚の落屑物等がベッド上に落ちないように手早く巻き込むように回収します。
3 〇 新しい和式寝衣の後ろ見頃をしわが無いように広げ、肩、脇に加え、背縫いの位置を合わせるようにします。
4 × 和式寝衣の場合、右前身頃の上に左前身頃を重ね、向かって正面から「ソ」の形に見えるように着るようにします。紐は横結びにします。縦結びは、亡くなった人に対する和服の着せ方になります。
5 × 臥床時に背中が痛くなるため、腰紐の結び目が背中に回るように結んではなりません。
Problem 39
Please select one of the following descriptions regarding long-term care for changing Japanese-style bedding for users who are lying on the bed.
1 When pulling out the sleeves, do it in the order of hands ⇒ elbows ⇒ shoulders.
2 Spread the removed sleeping garment, and spread the new sleeping garment on top of it.
3 Align the spine of the user with the spine of the new sleeping garment.
4 Place the right front best time on top of the left front body.
5 Tie the waist cord so that the knot goes around your back.
The correct answer is ↓

Answer 3
This is a question about changing Japanese-style bed rests while lying on the bed.
1 × When removing the sleeves of Japanese style sleeping clothes, loosen the collar and perform in the order of shoulder ⇒ elbow ⇒ hand.
2 × Do not spread the Japanese-style sleeping garment that you took off, and collect it so that desquamation of the skin does not fall on the bed and is quickly caught up.
3 〇 Spread the back of the new Japanese style sleeping garment so that there are no wrinkles, add it to the shoulders and sides, and align the back stitch.
4 × In the case of Japanese style sleeping clothes, put the left front body on the right front body so that it looks like a “so” from the front. Tie the string horizontally. Granny knots are a way to dress a deceased person in kimono.
5 × Do not tie the knot of the waist cord so that it turns around your back, as it will hurt your back when you lie down.