



1 育児・介護のダブルケアへの対応
2 すべての住民が支え合い、自分らしく活躍できる地域コミュニティの創出
3 高齢者分野の相談支援体制の強化
4 公的サービスに重点を置いた地域福祉の充実
5 専門職主体の地域包括支援体制の構築



答え 2 「地域共生社会」が目指すものについての設問です。

1 × 地域共生社会は、「支え手」「受け手」という関係を超えて地域住民がともに創っていく社会であり、育児・介護のダブルケアへの対応が、地域共生社会が目指すものとして最も適切であるとはいえません。
2 〇 すべての住民が支え合い、自分らしく活躍できる地域コミュニティの創出は、地域共生社会が目指すものとして、最も適切です。 
3 × 地域要請社会は、地域住民が世代や分野を超えて、「丸ごと」つながる社会であり、高齢者分野の相談支援体制の強化が、地域共生社会が目指すものとして最も適切であるとはいえません。
4 × 地域共生社会は、地域住民が「我が事」として参画することであり、公的サービスに重点を置いた地域福祉の充実が、地域共生社会が目指すものとして最も適切であるとはいえません。
5 × 地域共生社会は地域住民が主体となるものであり、専門職主体の地域包括支援体制の構築が、地域共生社会が目指すものとして最も適切であるとはいえません。


From the 31st National Examination Questions for Care Workers

Problem 6
Select one of the most appropriate ones as the goal of the “community symbiotic society”.

1 Support for double care of childcare and long-term care
2 Creation of a local community where all residents can support each other and play an active role in their own way
3 Strengthening the consultation support system in the field of the elderly
4 Enhancement of community-based welfare with an emphasis on public services
5 Construction of a comprehensive regional support system centered on professionals

The correct answer is ↓


Answer 2  This is a question about what the “community symbiotic society” is aiming for.

1 × The community symbiotic society is a society created by local residents together beyond the relationship of “supporter” and “receiver”, and the response to double care of childcare and long-term care is the most appropriate goal of the community symbiotic society. It cannot be said that it is.
2 〇 Creating a local community where all residents can support each other and play an active role in their own way is the most appropriate goal of a community-based society. It was
3 × The community-requested society is a society in which local residents are connected “whole” across generations and fields, and strengthening the consultation support system in the field of the elderly is the most appropriate goal of a community-based society. not.
4 × In a community symbiotic society, local residents participate as “my affairs”, and although the enhancement of community welfare with an emphasis on public services is the most appropriate goal of the community symbiotic society. not.
5 × The community symbiotic society is mainly composed of local residents, and it cannot be said that the establishment of a comprehensive community support system centered on professionals is the most appropriate goal of the community symbiotic society.

