1 自分が利用者を嫌いなのに、利用者が自分を嫌っていると思い込む。
2 亡くなった祖母と似ている利用者に、無意識に頻繁に関わる。
3 利用者に対する不満を直接ぶつけずに、机を強くたたいて発散する。
4 敬意を抱いている利用者の口癖を、自分もまねて用いる。
5 利用者に対する嫌悪の感情を抑え、過剰に優しく利用者に接する。

答え 2
1、3、4、5 ×
2 〇 逆転移とは、介護福祉職が利用者に対して無意識に自分の感情に向けてしまうことです。「亡くなった祖母と似ている利用者に無意識に頻繁に関わる」ことは逆転移が起きている事例に該当します。その他の選択肢は該当しません。介護福祉職はどの利用者に対しても公平な態度で接する必要があるものの、逆転移が起きると無意識のうちに利用者への関りに差が生じるおそれもあります。そうならないためにも、介護福祉職には自分の性格の癖を知ることを通して、自分自身の価値観や先入観、感情の動き等を把握し、時にhあその感情等を抑えて利用者と接することが求められます。
Problem 27
Please select the most appropriate person as a person who corresponds to the case where counter-transference is occurring in communication with the user.
1 I think that the user hates me even though I hate the user.
2 Unconsciously and frequently engage with users who are similar to their deceased grandmother.
3 Do not hit the user’s dissatisfaction directly, but hit the desk strongly to diverge.
4 Use the habit of a respected user by imitating yourself.
5 Suppress the feeling of disgust toward the user and treat the user excessively and kindly.
The correct answer is ↓

Answer 2
This is a question about a case where counter-transference occurs in communication with the user.
1, 3, 4, 5 ×
2 〇 Counter-transference is when the long-term care welfare worker unconsciously turns to his or her emotions toward the user. “Unconsciously and frequently involving users who are similar to their deceased grandmother” corresponds to the case of counter-transference. Other options are not applicable. Long-term care workers need to treat all users fairly, but counter-transference can unknowingly make a difference in their involvement with users. To prevent this from happening, long-term care and welfare workers can understand their own values, preconceptions, emotional movements, etc. by knowing their personality habits, and sometimes h, suppress those emotions, and interact with users. Is required.