1 硝子体出血
2 口内炎
3 眼圧上昇
4 夜盲
5 水晶体の白濁
答え 4
1 × 硝子体出血は、糖尿病性網膜症の症状の1つです。
2 × 口内炎は、ベーチェット病の症状の1つです。
3 × 眼圧上昇は、緑内障の症状の1つです。
4 〇 網膜色素変性症は、光を感じる網膜に異常がみられる遺伝性の疾患です。初期の症状として、夜盲、視野狭窄、視力低下があります。
5 × 水晶体の白濁は、白内障の症状の1つです。
From the 31st National Examination Question for Care Workers
Problem 93
Choose one of the most appropriate early symptoms of retinitis pigmentosa.
1 Vitreous hemorrhage
2 Mouth ulcer
3 Increased intraocular pressure
4 Night blind
5 Cloudiness of the crystalline lens
The correct answer is ↓
Answer 4
This is a question about retinitis pigmentosa.
1 × Vitreous hemorrhage is one of the symptoms of diabetic retinopathy.
2 × Stomatitis is one of the symptoms of Behcet’s disease.
3 × Increased intraocular pressure is one of the symptoms of glaucoma.
4 〇 Retinitis pigmentosa is a hereditary disease in which abnormalities are seen in the retina that senses light. Early symptoms include night blindness, tunnel vision, and poor vision.
5 × The cloudiness of the crystalline lens is one of the symptoms of cataract.