1 加齢に伴って睡眠時間は短くなる。
2 睡眠障害の多くは遺伝性である。
3 過眠は睡眠時間が長くなることをいう。
4 睡眠中は体温が上昇する。
5 睡眠周期は約60分である。

答え 1
1 〇 乳幼児は、14時間以上、20~50歳代では、個人差はありますが約7時間程度です。高齢者は、中途覚醒や早期覚醒などがあり、熟睡する時間は減っていきます。
2 × 睡眠障害は、ストレスや生体のリズムの変調、ライフスタイルの多様化など、複数の要因が重なって起こるもので、遺伝性ではありません。
3 × 睡眠障害でいう過眠は、夜間十分睡眠をとっているにもかかわらず、日中に強い眠気があって日常生活に支障をきたすものをいいます。
4 × 身体内部の体温が低下し始めると眠りに入り、睡眠中の体温は徐々に下降していきます。
5 × 睡眠の周期は約90分です。
From the 31st National Examination Question for Care Workers
Problem 106
Choose one of the following statements about sleep that is most appropriate.
1 Sleeping time becomes shorter with aging.
2 Most sleep disorders are hereditary.
3 Hypersomnia means that sleep time becomes longer.
4 Body temperature rises during sleep.
5 The sleep cycle is about 60 minutes.
The correct answer is ↓

Answer 1
This is a question about sleep.
1 〇 For infants, it takes 14 hours or more, and for people in their 20s and 50s, it takes about 7 hours, although there are individual differences. Elderly people have awakening halfway or early awakening, and the time to sleep soundly decreases. It was
2 × Sleep disorders are caused by a combination of multiple factors such as stress, modulation of the rhythm of the living body, and diversification of lifestyle, and are not hereditary.
3 × Hypersomnia, which is referred to as a sleep disorder, refers to those who have strong sleepiness during the day and interfere with their daily lives even though they are getting enough sleep at night.
4 × When the body temperature inside the body begins to drop, it falls asleep, and the body temperature during sleep gradually drops.
5 × The sleep cycle is about 90 minutes.