



1 利用者が抱いている感情を推察する。
2 利用者が話す内容を介護福祉職の価値観で判断する。
3 対話の話題を介護福祉職の関心で展開する。
4 利用者が体験した客観的事実の把握を目的とする。
5 利用者が沈黙しないように対話する。


猫 Cat

答え 1

1 〇 傾聴は利用者が発した言葉だけでなく、その背景にある心の声や感情も含めて、その背景にある心の声や感情も含めて、利用者が抱いている感情を推察することです。
2 × 傾聴では、まず利用者が話す内容をじっくりと聴く必要があります。その際は、介護福祉職の価値観ではなく、利用者が何を伝えたいのか、利用者は今何を思っているのか等を利用者の視点で考えることがもとめられます。 
3 × 傾聴では利用者の言葉を妨げず、じっくりと利用者の話を聴く姿勢が求められます。介護福祉職の関心で話題を展開してはなりません。
4 × 傾聴では、客観的事実の把握よりも、利用者が発した主観的な訴えや感情を把握することのほうが重要となります。
5 × 傾聴では、利用者自身が考えたり悩んだりする沈黙の時間も尊重します。また、介護福祉職は適度に相づちやうなずきを行い、利用者自身に話を真剣に聞いていることを伝えることも必要となります。


Problem 28
Select one of the following statements regarding listening performed by the long-term care welfare worker, which is the most appropriate.

1 Infer the emotions that the user has.
2 Judge what the user says based on the values of the long-term care welfare worker.
3 Develop the topic of dialogue with the interest of long-term care and welfare workers.
4 The purpose is to grasp the objective facts experienced by the user.
5 Dialogue so that the user does not become silent.

The correct answer is ↓


Answer 1
This is a question about listening.

1 〇 Listening infers the emotions that the user has, including not only the words spoken by the user but also the voices and emotions of the heart behind them, as well as the voices and emotions of the heart behind them. That is.
2 × In listening, it is first necessary to listen carefully to what the user is saying. In that case, it is necessary to think from the user’s point of view, such as what the user wants to convey and what the user is thinking now, not the values ​​of the long-term care welfare worker. It was
3 × Listening requires an attitude of listening carefully to the user’s words without disturbing the user’s words. Do not develop the topic with the interest of the long-term care welfare worker.
4 × In listening, it is more important to grasp the subjective complaints and emotions made by the user than to grasp the objective facts.
5 × In listening, we also respect the time of silence that the user himself thinks and worries about. It is also necessary for the long-term care welfare staff to make appropriate nods and nods to inform the users themselves that they are listening to the story seriously.

