1 双方向の思いやり
2 感覚機能低下への配慮
3 生活史の尊重
4 認知機能の改善
5 互いの自己開示

答え 1 コミュニケーションの糸口をつかむための介護福祉職の対応についての問題です。
1 〇 事例文の中に「一方的な働きかけにならないように」とあることから、双方向のやり取りを意図した対応であると言えます。
2 × 事例文の中になる情報からは、Bさんの感覚機能が低下しているという事実は読み取れません。
3 × 生活史を尊重することは大切であるが、この事例における介護福祉職の対応を指すものとしては適切ではありません。
4 × 事例文の中にある情報からは、Bさんの認知機能が低下しているという事実は読み取れません。
5 × 互いの自己開示は、コミュニケーションのスタートとして意義がありますが、この事例における介護福祉職の対応を指すものとしては適切ではありません。
From the 31st National Examination Questions for Care Workers
Problem 3
Mr. B (90 years old, male) will be admitted to a nursing home for the elderly. Mr. B, who had lived alone for a long time, seemed to be confused about talking with people on the day of admission, and he refused to talk to himself. When communicating with Mr. B, the certified care worker tried to draw out Mr. B’s utterance while flirting with him so as not to be a one-sided approach.
Please select the most appropriate one that applies to the intention of the care worker at this time.
1 Two-way compassion
2 Consideration for deterioration of sensory function
3 Respect for life history
4 Improvement of cognitive function
5 Mutual self-disclosure
The correct answer is ↓

Answer 1 It is a question about the response of certified care workers to get a clue to communication.
1 〇 Since the case sentence says “Do not work unilaterally”, it can be said that the response is intended for two-way communication.
2 × The fact that Mr. B’s sensory function is impaired cannot be read from the information in the case sentence. It was
3 × It is important to respect the history of life, but it is not appropriate to refer to the response of certified care workers in this case.
4 × From the information in the case sentence, the fact that Mr. B’s cognitive function is impaired cannot be read.
5 × Mutual self-disclosure is meaningful as a start of communication, but it is not appropriate to refer to the response of certified care workers in this case.