



1  周辺視野が広くなる。
2 低周波の音から聞こえにくくなる。
3 味覚の感受性が低下する。
4 振動に敏感になる。
5 嗅覚が敏感になる。


猫 Cat

答え 3

1 × 周辺視野とは、風景を眺めるなど視野周辺部の広い範囲の動きや位置を漠然としてとらえられるものです。それに対し、周辺視野とは、一点を凝視して見ることで、対象をはっきりと自覚し、色の識別を正確にとらえるものです。加齢に伴い周辺視野の範囲は狭くなり、感度も低下します。
2 × 聴力は、50歳頃から全体的に低下します。特に高齢者は、高音域の高周波の聴力が著しく、音がひずんで聞こえます。
3 〇 加齢に伴い、味覚の感受性は低下します。味覚は舌の上にある味蕾によって感じる仕組みになっています。加齢に伴い味蕾の萎縮と減少により味覚が変化し、特に濃い味を好むようになります。 
4 × 加齢に伴い、振動には鈍感になります。振動は、車などの乗り物や地震などで感じますが、加齢による末梢神経や中枢神経の伝導速度の遅延により振動感覚は低下します。
5 × 加齢に伴い、嗅覚は機能が低下します。例えば、ガスや尿臭、腐った食品の臭いなどに気づきにくくなります。


From the 31st National Examination Question for Care Workers

Problem 71
Select one that is appropriate for changes in physical function with aging.

1 Wider peripheral vision.
2 It becomes difficult to hear from low frequency sounds.
3 Taste sensitivity decreases.
4 Be sensitive to vibration.
5 The sense of smell becomes sensitive.

The correct answer is ↓

猫 Cat

Answer 3
This is a question about changes in physical function with aging.

1 × Peripheral vision is a vague capture of a wide range of movements and positions around the visual field, such as when looking at a landscape. Peripheral vision, on the other hand, allows you to stare at one point to clearly recognize the object and accurately capture color discrimination. As we age, the range of peripheral vision becomes narrower and the sensitivity decreases.
2 × Hearing deteriorates overall from around the age of 50. Elderly people, in particular, have significant high-frequency hearing in the high frequency range, and the sound is distorted.
3 〇 With aging, the sensitivity of taste decreases. The taste is sensed by the taste buds on the tongue. As the taste buds atrophy and decrease with age, the taste buds change, and people prefer a particularly strong taste. It was
4 × With aging, it becomes insensitive to vibration. Vibration is felt in vehicles such as cars and earthquakes, but the sensation of vibration decreases due to the delay in the conduction speed of the peripheral and central nervous systems due to aging.
5 × With aging, the sense of smell deteriorates. For example, it becomes difficult to notice the smell of gas, urine, and rotten food.

